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Hendricks County Workforce Task Forces

Addressing the workforce barriers that are challenging talent attraction and staff retention in Hendricks County


The Hendricks County Workforce Barrier Task Forces grew from a summit held in August 2023, through generous support from the Hendricks County Community Foundation. Over 100 community leaders, business leaders, and concerned citizens came together to identify the top barriers Hendricks County was facing related to growing and maintaining a solid workforce. Three broad issues rose to the top, all having impact on both employers and employees: Housing, Transportation, and Child Care.  Using the information gathered during the summit, three Task Forces were formed to begin the work of addressing specific barriers, seeking both short and long term solutions for each of the identified workforce barriers.


The Task Force members include community leaders, business leaders, elected officials, non-profit organizations, concerned citizens, and people with lived experience dealing with these issues, all pushing towards the common goal of seeking solutions through collaboration, communication, and innovation. By promoting and elevating existing resources the Task Force believes immediate progress can be made, but we recognize that tougher, long-term solutions will take time and will necessitate a wide variety of partners working together.

Where We Are Headed

Soon the task forces will come together and form the Hendricks County Workforce Coalition which will pick up the torch and carry the Task Force work forward, helping build lasting, sustainable solutions to the benefit of everyone in Hendricks County.

Our Neighbors Tell the Story

Families, employers, and community organizations help illustrate why this work is essential.

About Us

The Hendricks County Housing Task Force is a collaborative group of cross-sector professionals and Hendricks County residents that share a deep concern for the growing housing crisis in our community. We are working together to help build a more equitable future for all Hendricks residents.

Why You Should Care

  • Hendricks County’s population growth rate is 20.2%, compared to the State average of only 4.6%. 21.9% of Hendricks County residents are renters, not homeowners.
  • The current median rent in Hendricks County for a 2-bedroom apartment is a staggering $1736 per month.
  • For all renters in Hendricks County, the average cost burden of rent is over 36% of one’s income; For single parent or senior renters, the burden is over 64% of one’s income.
  • The median single-family home value in Hendricks County is $318,500, whereas a family at the median income level ($88k) could only afford a home valued at $272,000 or less.
  • The median income for college graduates in Hendricks County is $61k, whereas the median income required to actually cover the median rent level ($1736) month to month is over $62.5k.

Our Core Focuses

  • Affordability: We believe housing is a human right and should be affordable at a variety of income levels in our community
  • Diversity: We believe our community must provide more diverse housing options to meet the needs of our growing diverse population, not just more single-family houses
  • Quality of life: We believe access to safe, stable, healthy housing is the single greatest determining factor in a person’s quality of life and health outcomes.
  • Empathy: We believe that solving our community’s housing crisis starts by solving the “lack of empathy” crisis in each of our own individual hearts.
  • Local policy: We believe meaningful changes to local zoning and property development policies will make an incredibly positive impact on our community’s housing crisis.


Task Force


Task Force

About Us

The Hendricks County Transportation Task Force is a collaborative group of cross-sector professionals and Hendricks County residents that share a deep concern about the impact the lack of reliable transportation has on our workforce. We are working together to ensure Hendricks County residents have access to multiple, affordable, reliable means of transportation.

Why You Should Care

  • 20.2% of the calls originating in Hendricks County to 211 between March ‘23 and March ‘24 seeking transportation referrals went unmet*
  • Less than 1% of Hendricks County workers used public transportation and only 7.4% participated in a car pool**
  • 24.6% of calls to 211 requesting transportation expense assistance went unmet*
  • The average yearly cost to own and operate a new vehicle in 2022 is $10,728***
  • 51.4% of respondents identified inadequate public transportation and traffic congestion as a top issue of concern in the 2022 Hendricks County Community Needs Assessment, up 10% from the 2019 assessment^

*in.gov/fssa/indiana-211-interaction-dashboard accessed 3/18/2024

**data.census.gov accessed 3/18/2024


Our Core Focuses

  • Workforce Stability: We believe a stable workforce is dependent on reliable, affordable transportation and that Hendricks County employers can be part of the solution.
  • Promote Resource Availability: We believe the availability of resources must be elevated within the community through intentional, consistent, relevant communication and networking.
  • Diversify Transportation Options: We believe that Hendricks County is prime for development of multiple transportation options from all sectors – business, public, and nonprofit.
  • Consumer Education: We believe that educating residents about vehicle ownership, financial responsibilities, and maintenance requirements will help them secure and retain reliable personal transportation.



About Us

The Hendricks County Child Care Task Force is a collaborative group of cross-sector professionals and Hendricks County residents that share a deep concern for the early care and education of children in our community. We are working together to help Hendricks County residents balance employment with access to affordable, high-quality Child Care..

Why You Should Care

  • 1 out of 4 Central Indiana children who may need Child Care cannot access any type of regulated Child Care program.*
  • Barely 1/3 of Central Indiana’s regulated programs rank as high-quality. Barely one high-quality seat exists for every three children.*
  • 62% of employers cite Child Care as a factor for why employees leave the workforce.***
  • 64% of working parents say they have been late to  work or left early due to insufficient Child Care.***
  • The annual cost of care for one child is $9,673  – nearly equal to a year of IU Indianapolis tuition $10,676.**
  • The average cost of high-quality care for infants and toddlers in Central Indiana is $14,163.*
  • Comprehensive, high-quality birth-to-five early education realizes a 13% return on investment to communities.*

*”Data Center” Brighter Futures Indiana https://brighterfuturesindiana.org/data-center

**MoneySmarts https://moneysmarts.iu.edu/calculate- costs/index.html?page=tuitionAndFees

***Davis. “Employer Roadmap: Child Care Solutions for Working Parents.” U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation, Bishop.$122 Billion: The Growing Annual Cost of Infant-Toddler Child Care Crisis. Council for a Strong America, February 2023

Our Core Focuses

  • Workforce stability: We believe a stable workforce is dependent on reliable, affordable, high-quality Child Care, and that Hendricks County employers can be part of the solution
  • Promote resource availability: We believe the availability of resources must be elevated within the community through intentional, consistent, relevant communication and networking
  • Grow the Child Care industry: We believe the Child Care industry is a worthwhile profession that should be encouraged and invested in as a viable career path
  • Support early education and Child Care professionals: We believe that improving access to high-quality care requires a commitment to the professional growth and development of industry professionals.

Child Care

Task Force

Contact Us

Are you interested in disrupting barriers?

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What Task Force(s) are you interested in?

We are always seeking participation from our community members, local employers, and people who are experiencing barriers to gaining and maintaining employment in Hendricks County. Reach out if you would like to join the efforts!

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For Task Force Communications 

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